How JT Foxx helped me get out of my own way
After seeing JT Foxx speak for 90 minutes at an Elite Legacy training event I was instantly convinced he had something to offer that I desperately needed. Here was the world’s number one wealth coach offering me the chance to learn from him. Wow. So many of the things he spoke about resonated with where I was in life and more importantly, where I wanted to go. At that point, there was no way to put the genie back in the bottle. There was no hesitation in signing up for the Top One Coaching program. I was ready to explode my business the JT Foxx way!
Analysis Paralysis
As I got started with the program, there was a flood of great ideas from JT and his coaches. The business was completely rebranded and Oxford Equity Group. Together with our coach, we embarked on a completely new direction to differentiate ourselves in the UK property investment market. Initial growth was beyond our expectations.
As a left-brainer I was constantly over thinking what JT and his top coaches were telling me. I would take their invaluable lessons and look to implement them with small changes here and there based on what I thought was best. Over time, improvements and new ideas were taking too long to be implemented or weren’t working out as expected. It wasn’t until 9 months passed and I started to realise that other JT students who signed up at a similar time were racing ahead in their achievements in business while I was slowly inching forward. I made all the excuses why I wasn’t moving forward at their pace; they don’t have small kids, they’re not in a full-time job, they have more money to invest, they had more coaching, the list went on. If only I wasn’t held back I could be where they are!
The Butterfly Effect
It wasn’t until attending a JT Foxx event in London earlier this year that things changed. JT was talking about the power of coaching when and went on to say that all the top performers in the world all have gotten to where they are thanks to a coach. They achieved their success because they were highly coachable. It was then that it hit me; was that my problem? That lead me to think deeply about my own coaching experience. Was I doing something to reduce the effectiveness of my coaching? Then it dawned on me, to be coachable you first have to get out of your own way.
It was this seemingly simple point that had a huge effect and changed everything. Having spent my career as a Formula 1 race engineer, it was natural for me to collect the information available and factor in my knowledge and experience before making a decision on what to change on the race car. Without even realising, I had applied this approach to what I learned from my coach. Unfortunately, this is not how coaching works! Being coached effectively requires you to listen, trust in your coach and implement. There is little room for interpretation and even less for After all, if you knew better than your coach then they should be paying you.
Just Do It
From that point forward I switched my approach and focused on implementation of what was discussed during the coaching calls. I made the conscious effort to switch my analytical brain off and put all my energy towards taking action. Less thinking and more doing!
Since then the results have been amazing. My productivity has increased massively, I am more creative than ever and my client list has quadrupled. I could have never imagined that such a seemingly simple change could be so powerful.
JT Foxx is more than the world’s number one wealth coach. His organisation is more than a coaching program. They have the power to change lives. Change that brings on unparalleled growth and success regardless of your starting point. I have seen tremendous value from his seminars, the wealth workout and the coaching program. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to JT for what he has done for me. Not only has transformed my business but he has transformed me in a way that will unlock my potential.
There is a wealth of knowledge that the world’s best coaches can give you, but it will achieve the success you aspire if first you don’t let them help you get out of your own way.